Friday, July 24, 2015

Vapor Trails...Always Going...Going Somewhere

Ever look at a vapor trail in the sky?  Those white, puffy, cloud-like formations left behind by some sort of aircraft…which craft, how big, and who (or what) it was carrying is anyone’s guess.

I like to observe them.  Sometimes they dot or dash, even intersecting with others, and sometimes they are just little spurts that seem to disappear midway.  Sometimes they travel in a clear, horizontal direction and sometimes they look like they go straight upward or (gasp!) downward.  At times they stretch far off into a horizon that I cannot clearly make out…but they are always going, I suppose…going somewhere.

While I like to daydream about who or what carved that cloud path, I cannot with any certainty know.    Even at 20/20 vision seeing something from my vantage point, I recognize that it would look completely different from someone else standing neighborhoods or cities away.  My failing eyes, my location, my judgements, my preconceived notions (and my trying to reason why it’s there in the first place) will cause me to see falsely.  My perceptions may not indeed be truth.

But then I stop and think.  While I cannot see where vapor trails go, there is One who can.  While I do not know who or what was onboard, there is One who does.  While my vision is so limited to my pinpoint location, there is One who extends beyond all space. 

And He is real and He is everywhere and He is all-knowing.

I often feel like my own paths in life take left turns or right turns or U-turns.  Sometimes there are clear visions of where I am headed.  Sometimes my short paths just seem to disappear.  Sometimes I stretch far off toward a horizon I can’t clearly make out and sometimes it feels like I am going straight upward or (gasp!) downward.  But I am always going, I suppose…going somewhere.

There are days that I struggle to see past my own circumstances, past my own little existence, but I can choose to surrender to my Father in Heaven.  There are days when I’m tempted say, “Why me?” or “Why us?” or “Not Again!”, but I can choose to fall to my knees in prayer instead of hanging my head in defeat.  I can choose to throw my arms in the air in Praise instead of throwing them up in defeat.  And I can find strength in those moments.  Not of my own, but of one FAR mightier. 

I can know that God’s viewpoint is not skewed and He is not limited in His understanding.  While any single day that I exist is smaller than even the minutest of scratches on the surface of all of history, God was both at the beginning of time and will remain until the end.  While my view is blocked by all sorts of hindrances, God not only sees clearly but sees with a greater purpose than I’ll ever know.

Trusting is hard.  Yes!  Surrendering is hard.  Yes!  It is a daily battle of the flesh, mind, and heart.  But, oh, what joy can come when we recognize that we aren’t in control…and that (surprise!) that is actually a good thing.  I don’t own one of those “Life is Good” shirts (or bumper stickers or hats or spare tire covers…) but I’ve thought about coining ones that say “Life is Hard.”  Maybe better stated, “Life is Hard…but Living is worth it.” 

Who are you living for?  Or rather, whose agenda are you living for?

God is bigger.  His ways are higher.  He not only clearly sees the entirety of everything, but masterfully has a hand in it.  While I can’t know the why of everything happening, I do believe that He can redeem it.   All of it.  I do believe that nothing can stop His ultimate plan.    

And though I’ll likely continue to struggle as I try to make sense of what is happening in my own life, there are seasons where I’ll just have to trust and stop guessing.  Never stop praying, mind you, but surrender the cockpit. 

Help me, Father, to seek Your will above my own.  Lead me where You want me to be.  If nothing can separate me from Your love, and even death does not hold me bound, then why would I fret over any path You lay before me?  Left, right, up, down?  Quiet my heart in the loud moments and help me to hear only Your voice.  Because you are here.  And You see from a vantage point that I never will. 

That alone gives me the confidence to know that I am going…going somewhere indeed.