Saturday, January 18, 2014


In America, we filter our water.  We filter the air that we breathe.  We even filter the words that make it to our ears, thanks to the ten-second delay on live TV.  And many of us who have children in our homes, we filter websites and the Internet for those using technology (and rightly so).

But what if we filtered our thoughts? 

What if every time a fear or an anxious thought crept in, we stopped and filtered it.  What if every time we became nervous or uneasy about something, we paused and let those moments sift through a strainer; a strainer that would remove the impurities that don’t need to fester within our minds. 

God’s Word tells us:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)

If these truths were the filter we let our thoughts pour through, oh how better off we would be!  God knows our hearts and He knows our minds.  He knows how we get tempted and how we fall short.  He knows how sin often begins as a simple thought.  But He reminds us to be aware of our thoughts and to filter them by His standards.  Fears and anxiety tend to melt away when we stop and focus on what is true and right and pure. 

What if we filtered our words? 

The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. (Proverbs 12:18)

Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. (2 Corinthians 13:11)

The old “sticks and stones” saying is rubbish.  Words hurt.  Period.  What if we took the time to think through our words before we let them fly from our lips?  What if we stopped and prayed and then let those words be filtered by God’s Holy Spirit?  In many cases, fewer words are better.  For myself, I get into more trouble the more I talk.  I’m certainly guilty of not letting my words be filtered!  I say regularly to my children, “Choose your words wisely.  Are you honoring Christ with your words?  Remember that words cut like swords and they can hurt.  And it’s not always just what you say, but also how you say it.”  My challenge is to be a leader by living this out in front of them.  My challenge is to seek God daily, asking Him to fill me with His words; that they might also permeate my speech.  God reminds us that we are to encourage one another, lift one another up.  Sending those verbal expressions through God’s filter is a great place to start.

 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.  He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.  Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5: 9 -11)

What if we filtered our lives and guarded our minds and our hearts, paying more attention to what we fill ourselves with? 
Through prayer we can ask God to show us the areas of our life that need to be filtered.  Maybe there’s a distraction that keeps us from Him.  Maybe there is a blocking somewhere that dims His light, making it harder for others to see Him in us.  For me, it’s distractions of my computer or my cell phone.  God no doubt shines brighter for the three little disciples-in-the-making in my home when I am convicted to step away from the computer (or refuse to get sucked in).  Or if I temporarily “lose” my phone.   Their lights shine brighter, too, when I walk away from my distractions and remind them that each and every moment is given.  And I don’t want those moments to be squandered or dictated by distractions.  I want them to be filled with worship and love and family.  So I will consciously choose to fill our day with Scripture and praise songs and wholesome (fill in the blank with your choosing)…not because I am trying to be a “rule keeper” or lead some ideal of what I think a Christian should look like, but because when I saturate my life with God’s teachings, I find true joy, peace, and laughter.  He is my source.  And I see Him more clearly when I filter out what the world throws at me.


And so you’ve read this far and maybe you’re thinking…..yeah, it sounds nice, but I’m not sure I can get there.  I get that.  Because Monday happens and the dog pukes repeatedly behind your bed (and just out of arms reach), no one is enjoying the meal you just spent two hours preparing, and your whole family gets quarantined with the FLU.  Your thoughts are flying all over the place, your words are not joyful (and at times ugly and harsh), and quite frankly the only thing you’re ready to fill yourself with is anything that will help you escape.  Even if only briefly.  


Oh, loved one, let God fill you!  Pray and ask for guidance.  We are not enough.  When left to ourselves, we fester with all kinds of impure, selfish thoughts and words.   Let Him be your filter!   Pour over God’s truths; finding encouragement in the Bible, and ultimately finding perfect example in Christ.  And then remember that you alone will never be perfect on this earth, you’re going to stumble and trip and fail; and that’s OK!   Stop and listen.  Search and seek.  Pause.   And then ask our Heavenly Father to help remove those tainted areas that rob of His joy and everlasting peace.  Ask His Holy Spirit to help be the filter needed to separate out the ugly and bring Him the glory and praise and honor that He rightly deserves (through our thoughts, by our words, and in our lives).  And be reminded we are all a work in progress, not an overnight fix.  These are ongoing challenges.  But by His grace, you can persevere! 


And if you will, please excuse me, while I quietly read these written words over and over again….as I am most clearly incriminating and speaking to myself here.  

Father, please show me the areas of my life that remain unfiltered.  Help me to humbly surrender those to you, knowing that only you can take my life and mold it into something that reflects your Son, our Savior and King, Jesus Christ.  I am a work in progress.  Use me boldly for your Kingdom.  And if “filtering” helps me to reflect you more in my walk, then please provide me the tools necessary and the humility to actually use them.  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. 

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